In the last week before the semester break, native speekers taught at our school and
worked with us in the "English in Action" WEEK!
The third and fourth form were involved there!
We brushed up our english and had  a lot of fun!

English in Action is based in Canterbury in the UK and it offers a professional
resource for schools wishing to add value to their English language provision.

Using English clearly and effectively is becoming essential for every child’s future success.
This short, communicative course provides the ideal complement to students’
regular classroom learning.

We want to thank

  • Shelley and Joseph (4. class)
  • Katharine and Gavin (3. class) for their great work.

If you want to know more about "English in Action" look at this website.

... Johanna and Martina

.... Projekt " Pippi Langstrumpf"

.... Scot Georg

.... Mafia Marco

.... in the third class

.... Shelley had also a lot of fun!! Zwinkernd

.... very bussy!

...... in  the break!!

designed by: Philipp Leitenmüller